welcome to skystone farm
Skystone is a horse boarding and training farm located in Central Alberta. It is home to sport horses bred for jumping and dressage. Our focus is on mastering the skills to excel in these sports. To this end we have created a farm that provides exceptional facility for the full development of horse and rider from novice up to grand prix. We are catering to riders who are clear in their goals to becoming the best they can. We measure the success of our efforts through the willing participation of our horses.
Where we differ from many riding centres is that we use competition to measure our horses progress and not as an end in itself. Riders who are satisfied being challenged by intrinsic standards of excellence will find themselves quite comfortable at Skystone. Learning and development is our signature culture. Our goal is to create competition ready horses and riders with a well developed acumen in the skills necessary to be successful. The farm offers all the tools and experience to make this pursuit a reality.
We have skills to help you on your journey whether as a teacher, trainer, mentor, or as a confidant. At Skystone knowledge is mutable and the pudding will yield the proof. We are neither adamant in our beliefs nor vague in our comprehension, our modus operandi is to challenge everything, be present, and focus deeply to understand what you can learn from your horse.
If this appeals to you then we have room reserved for you and your horse.
Read about the meaning of our logo here.